ELLY: "I prayed for a man who would look at me not with lust, but with gratitude to God for His beautiful creation. That prayer has been answered; in such a way far beyond my imagination.
I was at my lowest point. I went through sudden tragic deaths of my loved-ones and it was when I gave up a promising career to pursue my love for writing. Kneeling in front of the Blessed Sacrament, I was crying, begging God to give me a writing mentor. When I opened my eyes, God stunned me with an answer which changed my life forever." BRENDAN: "Loving how almost every parish church in the Philippines has an Adoration chapel, I became a regular visitor of one. One day while praying, I glanced over my shoulder and felt my heart skip a beat when I saw a beautiful Filipina flicking through her prayer journal. “Wow she’s very pretty! I would love to get to know her.” I kept stealing glances at her, trying to catch her attention, but she was absorbed in her prayer journal. I waited and waited for her. ABOUT US |

What is the story behind the creation of Worth the Chase: Finding Love God's Way?
ELLY: "Growing up, I questioned a lot whether I was worthy of love. My pursuits for achievement in my formative years were focused on gaining recognition and praise from others. I did not know then that I was loved not because of my triumphs, but simply for who I am in Christ, that in my Maker's eyes, I am priceless and blessed - gifted with profound dignity as God's beloved daughter. I used to measure my worth based on the glances (or lack of) I got from men. When I realized how I wrongly measured my worth with worldly standards, I felt convicted to empower every woman that her worth is not how she sees herself in the eyes of men but in the eyes of God."
BRENDAN: "Purity is a part of the Gospel that many struggle with and needs to be elaborated upon with practical examples of following God's will in this area. Also, there are many relationship books directed to women and so I wanted to focus one for men. It's amazing how God called Elly and I to collaborate on writing a book for both men and women and how God orchestrated our miraculous first meeting. I believe this book had been in God's divine plan that is why He brought Elly and I together. It's just surprising that while we were writing a book to help others find genuine love, we found pure love in each other. "
ELLY: "Growing up, I questioned a lot whether I was worthy of love. My pursuits for achievement in my formative years were focused on gaining recognition and praise from others. I did not know then that I was loved not because of my triumphs, but simply for who I am in Christ, that in my Maker's eyes, I am priceless and blessed - gifted with profound dignity as God's beloved daughter. I used to measure my worth based on the glances (or lack of) I got from men. When I realized how I wrongly measured my worth with worldly standards, I felt convicted to empower every woman that her worth is not how she sees herself in the eyes of men but in the eyes of God."
BRENDAN: "Purity is a part of the Gospel that many struggle with and needs to be elaborated upon with practical examples of following God's will in this area. Also, there are many relationship books directed to women and so I wanted to focus one for men. It's amazing how God called Elly and I to collaborate on writing a book for both men and women and how God orchestrated our miraculous first meeting. I believe this book had been in God's divine plan that is why He brought Elly and I together. It's just surprising that while we were writing a book to help others find genuine love, we found pure love in each other. "
What testimony touched your heart the most?
BRENDAN: "When I read a testimony of a woman who had been suffering severe depression and wanted to end her life but after reading our book felt the will to continue living, I was in tears and so was my wife. It was an affirmation from God that Worth the Chase is more than a book, it's a ministry."
ELLY: "We value every testimony we receive. It is very humbling how God reveals who He wants to bless through our book. He puts people in our lives who said that as soon as they see the book cover, they knew they needed to read it and while reading, God reveals His message to them in a powerful way."
BRENDAN: "When I read a testimony of a woman who had been suffering severe depression and wanted to end her life but after reading our book felt the will to continue living, I was in tears and so was my wife. It was an affirmation from God that Worth the Chase is more than a book, it's a ministry."
ELLY: "We value every testimony we receive. It is very humbling how God reveals who He wants to bless through our book. He puts people in our lives who said that as soon as they see the book cover, they knew they needed to read it and while reading, God reveals His message to them in a powerful way."
We are delighted that God has gifted us with the same passion for writing and speaking to touch hearts, inspire lives, and proclaim the Gospel. In this blog we share our struggles in marriage; including the hardships we encountered while we were waiting for the love God prepared for us from all eternity. We also write about our victories in facing adversities made possible only by God's grace.

“Dear Cupid,
Please take some time to target practice. Your aim sucks!”
That was my letter to cupid every lonely 14th of February. I was impatient. I’d read a lot of romantic novels, watched chick flicks on the big screen, and witnessed some romantic movie-like love stories of my friends. I kept on asking myself, “When will my love story start to unfold?” “Where is my prince charming?”
My friends used to tease me that maybe the love of my life was just stuck in traffic and couldn’t find his way to me.
“Dear Cupid,
Please take some time to target practice. Your aim sucks!”
That was my letter to cupid every lonely 14th of February. I was impatient. I’d read a lot of romantic novels, watched chick flicks on the big screen, and witnessed some romantic movie-like love stories of my friends. I kept on asking myself, “When will my love story start to unfold?” “Where is my prince charming?”
My friends used to tease me that maybe the love of my life was just stuck in traffic and couldn’t find his way to me.
Do you recognize the hand of God in your daily life? Do you thank Him when you wake up in the morning, throughout the day and when you lay your head to sleep? There are many times throughout our daily lives that we can see God’s presence and action (grace). We can see Him through the smiles of others, and even the joy springing up in one’s heart. We can see his grace when we hold a newborn baby in our arms, seeing the beautiful gift of life as well as being as fragile as a butterfly. |
ELLY: "My friends have always described me as the girl with a vast imagination and creative spirit although I wasn't born with canvas and paintbrushes. Back then, I only knew art using papers, pencils, and crayons. My interest for painting began when God inspired me to create paintings as a way to raise funds to regain the sense of hearing of a child who was born deaf. From then on I felt a deep desire to touch hearts by using my creative passion for art. Our awesome God is my inspiration. It's so exciting that He uses my 5 loaves and 2 fish just like in the Gospel, to create artworks for His glory."
BRENDAN: "God has already used Elly to bless others with her creative gift. My heart overflows with so much joy as I witnessed how hearts have been touched by the paintings Elly has made for our families and friends. I look forward to seeing more happy faces through Elly's artworks; with God as her inspiration. Visit our SHOP page to check artworks for sale. Elly creates paintings that are perfect as gifts for any occasion!"
BRENDAN: "God has already used Elly to bless others with her creative gift. My heart overflows with so much joy as I witnessed how hearts have been touched by the paintings Elly has made for our families and friends. I look forward to seeing more happy faces through Elly's artworks; with God as her inspiration. Visit our SHOP page to check artworks for sale. Elly creates paintings that are perfect as gifts for any occasion!"
Toucan In Paradise
Beautify your home with this colorful toucan in paradise! This design was personally created using acrylic paints on canvas, and digitized with the help of Adobe photoshop. It is printed with long lasting inks on quality paper. This print comes in A4 size. International orders are welcome! Shipping fee depends on your location.
If you prefer to buy the original painting on canvas rather than the printed one, send us a message @ [email protected]
If you prefer to buy the original painting on canvas rather than the printed one, send us a message @ [email protected]
Life Is Beautiful
Life may throw us into unchartered waters of difficulties but know for sure that God makes all things beautiful. This design was personally created using acrylic paints on canvas, and digitized with the help of Adobe photoshop. It is printed with long lasting inks on quality paper. This print comes in A4 size. International orders are welcome! Shipping fee depends on your location.
If you prefer to buy the original painting on canvas rather than the printed one, send us a message @ [email protected]
If you prefer to buy the original painting on canvas rather than the printed one, send us a message @ [email protected]
Rejoice In Hope
Make this Bible verse your motivation to live a life of prayer and faith. This design was personally created using acrylic paints on canvas, and digitized with the help of Adobe photoshop. It is printed with long lasting inks on quality paper. This print comes in A4 size. International orders are welcome! Shipping fee depends on your location.
If you prefer to buy the original painting on canvas rather than the printed one, send us a message @ [email protected]
If you prefer to buy the original painting on canvas rather than the printed one, send us a message @ [email protected]
Love Endures All Things
Be reminded that you can do ordinary things with extraordinary love! This design was personally created using acrylic paints on canvas, and digitized with the help of Adobe photoshop. It is printed with long lasting inks on quality paper. This print comes in A4 size. International orders are welcome! Shipping fee depends on your location.
If you prefer to buy the original painting on canvas rather than the printed one, send us a message @ [email protected]
If you prefer to buy the original painting on canvas rather than the printed one, send us a message @ [email protected]
You Are God's Masterpiece
Put this on your wall to remind yourself who you really are! This design was personally created using acrylic paints on canvas, and digitized with the help of Adobe photoshop. It is printed with long lasting inks on quality paper. This print comes in A4 size. International orders are welcome! Shipping fee depends on your location.
If you prefer to buy the original painting on canvas rather than the printed one, send us a message @ [email protected]
If you prefer to buy the original painting on canvas rather than the printed one, send us a message @ [email protected]
This beautiful painting features Jesus with His beautiful creation. A reminder to take time out to spend with God and pray. This design was personally created using acrylic paints on canvas, and digitized with the help of Adobe photoshop. It is printed with long lasting inks on quality paper. This print comes in A4 size. International orders are welcome! Shipping fee depends on your location.
Angel By Night
Elly has always been fascinated by angels and she had been painting a picture in her head as to what an angel would look like. This painting is a result of that imagination. This design was personally created using acrylic paints on canvas, and digitized with the help of Adobe photoshop. It is printed with long lasting inks on quality paper. This print comes in A4 size. International orders are welcome! Shipping fee depends on your location.
When The Going Gets Tough
Be inspired to chase your God-given dreams with this motivational poem. This poem is from one of the pages of the book, Worth the Chase: Finding Love God's Way.
This design was personally created using watercolour and digitized with the help of Adobe photoshop. It is printed with long lasting inks on quality paper. This print comes in A4 size. International orders are welcome! Shipping fee depends on your location.
This design was personally created using watercolour and digitized with the help of Adobe photoshop. It is printed with long lasting inks on quality paper. This print comes in A4 size. International orders are welcome! Shipping fee depends on your location.
The Art of Letting Go
"Letting go isn't about blocking a beautiful memory, but to open a door, clear a path, and set yourself free!" - the message this artwork brings! This design was personally created using watercolour, and digitized with the help of Adobe photoshop. It is printed with long lasting inks on quality paper. This print comes in A4 size. International orders are welcome! Shipping fee depends on your location.
Jesus Is Always With You
A beautiful painting to remind you that you are loved, cherished, and forgiven. Hang it on your wall as a constant reminder that Jesus never leaves you nor forsake you. This will be a perfect gift for someone you really love and care for!
This design was personally created using watercolour, and digitized with the help of Adobe photoshop. It is printed with long lasting inks on quality paper. This print comes in A4 size. International orders are welcome! Shipping fee depends on your location.
This design was personally created using watercolour, and digitized with the help of Adobe photoshop. It is printed with long lasting inks on quality paper. This print comes in A4 size. International orders are welcome! Shipping fee depends on your location.
Sacred Heart of Jesus
This painting was once just imagined by Elly and then she brought it to life. This reflects Elly's adoration to the Holy Eucharist, the power of the Holy Spirit symbolized by the fire, the crown of thorns on Jesus' loving heart, the sword that pierced His side, and the Divine Mercy rays showing Jesus' limitless mercy and compassion. This design was personally created using acrylic paints on canvas, and digitized with the help of Adobe photoshop. It is printed with long lasting inks on quality paper. This print comes in A4 size. International orders are welcome! Shipping fee depends on your location.
Custom Name Poem
Send us your name and Elly will turn it into an inspirational poem which will make you joyful! Read the name poem shown in the photo. This is Elly's work for one of her very satisfied clients. This design was personally created using watercolour, ink and paper, and digitized with the help of Adobe photoshop and illustrator. It is printed with long lasting inks on quality paper. This print comes in A4 size. International orders are welcome! Shipping fee depends on your location.